Missouri Farmers Seeing Benefits, Value of Enlist E3® Soybeans
Farmers are quickly adopting Enlist E3® soybeans, says Josh Turner, a Pioneer sales representative who also farms in northwest Missouri. They’re drawn to the weed control, on-target application and ability to use multiple herbicide sites of action on tough weeds.
“We’ve had quite a bit of interest in Enlist E3 soybeans,” Turner says. “People are wanting to get their foot in the door. We’ve seen people leaning away from dicamba due to the volatility issues.”
Turner, who farms with his brother Jeremy, likes what he sees with Enlist™ herbicides.
“Enlist gives us a lot better weed control,” he says. “Liberty herbicide is working well, too, but we need to start mixing up modes of action and using several on each field.”
Turner says the ability to apply multiple sites of action is important both to his customers and to him personally.
“It’s huge,” he says. “We help customers work through their individual situations. Switching up modes of action keeps fields clean.”
He says cost remains an issue for all farmers. They want to keep fields weed free, but they need to do it as cost effectively as possible.
“One thing I like about using Enlist One postemergence is that we have tank-mix options, so we can make one pass and apply two or three modes of action. That saves us time and money.”
Turner generally follows a no-till program on soybeans unless he needs to turn some wet acres to help them dry out. He uses a burndown and a preemergence application that includes residual activity. He comes back 30 to 40 days later with his postemergence pass.
“I’m using Enlist One postemergence and tank-mixing a residual with it,” Turner says. He cites a key advantage with Enlist One.
“We’re seeing it’s less volatile than dicamba,” he says. “Everyone is watching out for their neighbors. It’s just less of a concern than dicamba.”
As Pioneer adds more Enlist E3 varieties to its lineup, Turner sees more customers moving to the technology.
“Enlist is an asset they’re growing more comfortable with,” he says. “They’re starting to enjoy the benefits, including less volatility and drift. I expect some customers to switch to 100 percent Enlist E3 soybeans soon. Next year, I expect probably 80 percent of the soybeans I sell to be Enlist E3 varieties.”
®™Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont, or Pioneer and their affiliated companies or respective owners. The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3 soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Dow AgroSciences LLC and MS Technologies, LLC.