Freedom To Spray

Caution tape in front of soybean field

Fewer Restrictions = More Freedom to Operate

Don't let June dicamba in-crop application deadlines dictate your spray timing.  By choosing the Enlist® weed control system over dicamba, you can spray when it makes sense for YOU. 

There are a lot of myths, misconceptions and confusion around row-crop herbicides and the regulations some have.

MYTH: Dicamba regulations aren’t that serious.

FACT: Stricter regulations make it less convenient to use dicamba in certain areas.

Enlist herbicides provide more flexibility for farmers with wide application windows and no calendar cutoff dates, unlike dicamba. 

Enlist herbicides also have more than 1,700 qualified tank-mix partners, no time-of-day application restrictions and a broad range of qualified nozzles so farmers can find the right balance of coverage and drift control.

Get the facts behind four common weed control myths here.

Get the Specifics and Compare Trait Herbicide Systems

Application window

The 2,4-D choline tolerance in Enlist® crops provides a wide application window for Enlist herbicides. Unlike dicamba that has a June 30 national cutoff date (some states have even tighter restrictions), there are no calendar cutoff dates for applications of Enlist herbicides. Remember to always read and follow label requirements. Here are the application windows for Enlist herbicides:

  • Enlist E3® soybeans: Through R1 growth stage.
  • Enlist® cotton: Up to first white bloom.
  • Enlist corn: No larger than V8 growth stage or 30 inches tall, whichever happens first.

Near-zero volatility

The 2,4-D choline with Colex-D® technology in Enlist herbicides provides near-zero volatility, reduced physical drift potential, and better handling characteristics.  Enlist One® herbicide can be tank-mixed with qualified glyphosate and glufosinate herbicides without affecting the near-zero volatility properties of 2,4-D choline. In comparison, in-crop dicamba products cannot be tank-mixed with glufosinate, and only K-salt glyphosates are qualified tank-mix partners.

Buffer zones

For sensitive areas, the dicamba system requires a 240-foot downwind buffer. Additional buffers are required in endangered species areas, as designated by EPA's Bulletins Live website: a 57-foot omnidirectional buffer, as well as a 310-foot downwind buffer are required. The Enlist® system requires a 30-foot downwind buffer (in the direction in which the wind is blowing) from any area except:

  • Roads (paved or gravel surfaces)
  • Planted agricultural fields (except those crops mentioned in the "Susceptible Plants” section)
  • Agricultural fields that have been prepared for planting
  • Areas covered by the footprint of a building, shade house, greenhouse, silo, feed crib or other man-made structure with walls and/or roof

Tank mix flexibility

The Enlist® system allows for tank-mixing with both qualified glufosinate and AMS products, but the dicamba system does not. Glyphosate pre-mix products – Enlist Duo® herbicide – are available with the Enlist system, but are not with the in-crop dicamba system. In terms of required additives, dicamba requires a pH buffering agent with every application. With Enlist having inherent near-zero volatility, no buffering agents or volatility reducing agents are needed.  

Applicator flexibility

In-crop dicamba herbicides are registered as federally restricted-use pesticides, which means they can only be applied by those with a Certified Applicator license or those under the direct supervision of a certified applicator. Enlist® herbicides are not federally restricted-use pesticides. There are also no time-of-day application limits with Enlist herbicides; however, dicamba must be applied only from 1 hour after sunrise to 2 hours before sunset.

The Die Hards man with bow and arrow Enlist

Hear From Farmers Like You

We know switching sports teams or truck brands doesn’t happen often. But when it comes to your weed control system, you’ll switch to make the best decision for your farm. These farmers recently made the switch to the Enlist® weed control system — and aren’t looking back. Listen to farmers in your region on why they switched to Enlist.

Learn More

Enlist Duo® and Enlist One® herbicides are not registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your area. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use with Enlist™ crops. Consult Enlist herbicide labels for weed species controlled. Always read and follow label directions.