Experiencing Enlist TODD HANTEN

Experiencing Enlist

Todd Hanten

We raise corn, soybeans, spring wheat and cattle. I started farming with my dad after graduation from college. My son plans to join me when he graduates from college as the fifth generation on the family farm. We’re always looking to try new products on our farm. The Enlist™ system will be competitive in the marketplace and a good product to use. We’re looking forward to seeing what it does on our farm.

  • South Dakota

  • Corn

  • Waterhemp, marestail

  • Strip till/no-till

November 02, 2015



We have waterhemp, lambsquarters and some hard-to-control kochia. The field is still perfectly clean after harvest; even the hard-to-control weeds are not a problem, so that is very nice to see. I’m very happy with Enlist.

The product was custom applied, and the operator said there was no odor, no problem with mixing and no drift. That was something I was worried about. We had Roundup Ready® soybeans just 30 inches from the Enlist corn, but there was no injury to the soybeans. It is nice to see firsthand that the product is formulated to keep the 2,4-D in place. I am anxious to use the Enlist Weed Control System for corn and soybeans. We have a minor problem with waterhemp right now, but I can see the waterhemp getting worse every year. Being able to use a product like Enlist Duo to nip it in the bud early and stop it is going to be important.

November 02, 2015



We have had record corn yields on our farm this year, the best ever. The Enlist corn averaged 203 bushels. I’ve been very pleased with it.

October 07, 2015



Enlist Duo herbicide is going to be a great new tool to control glyphosate-resistant weeds such as waterhemp, which is becoming a bigger problem here every year. Controlling resistant weeds is very important, so we prevent their seed production and stop them from becoming a bigger problem.

October 07, 2015


The weed control was perfect

As I scouted the field for harvest last week, the weed control was perfect — Enlist™ took care of even the hard-to-control weeds that were out there.

September 21, 2015



The Enlist field looks great. We’re expecting one of our best corn crops ever – can’t wait to start combining. Harvest will be the test. It’s amazing what clean fields do versus fields with weed problems. Yield monitors show the difference – less weed seed and less pressure mean higher yields.

September 18, 2015


Excited to harvest

I’m trying a new hybrid with the Enlist trait. It has looked good this season and I’m excited to see how it does on my farm. It has some girthy ears that look really good. Based on my experience this year, I’m looking forward to continuing to use the Enlist system in the future.

September 01, 2015


Enlist™ field is weed free

I’ve been very pleased and impressed by the weed control provided by the Enlist system. There were some glyphosate-resistant weeds in the field, including waterhemp, kochia and lambsquarters. After using Enlist Duo® herbicide, there are no weeds in the field. It’s clean.

December 16, 2015


Record corn yield
this year

"We have had record corn yields on our farm this year, the best ever. The Enlist corn averaged 203 bushels. I've been very pleased with it...

July 08, 2015


I was happy to see how it performed on my farm

With the Enlist system, I was happy to see how it performed on my farm with my field and my acres. I’m excited. We’ll be increasing our acres with Enlist.

June 30, 2015


Excellent weed control with Enlist Duo® herbicide


June 30, 2015


Observation after application of Enlist® Duo herbicide


We applied Enlist Duo and we had excellent weed control. For crop tolerance, I saw no stress, nothing on the leaves. It was in perfect shape.


May 18, 2015

Cool growing conditions

Enlist™ corn emergence

The Enlist corn has emerged. The temperatures have been cool lately – there was even some snow on the field this morning. The forecast for this evening is calling for 27 degrees.

April 29, 2015

Dry field conditions


April 29, 2015

Dry field conditions

Planting continues under dry conditions

Planting is underway on our farm. We are a couple inches behind on our normal rainfall and need a rain very bad in areas. The Enlist™ corn field did receive close to an inch about a week ago. However, overall we're seeing dry conditions across the farm.

April 29, 2015

Dry Field Condition

Great conditions for planting Enlist™ corn

Planting of the Enlist™ corn field went great. We have subsoil moisture and got into it at about a 2-inch depth for planting.


L’agriculture dans certaines régions des États-Unis est semblable à celle du Canada. Nous savons que les producteurs canadiens aiment s’informer sur ce que font leurs collègues du sud. Nous avons observé plusieurs producteurs pendant la saison. Nous vous présentons certains de ces producteurs qui utilisent le système de suppression des mauvaises herbes EnlistMC – les cultures qu’ils cultivent, leurs défis avec les mauvaises herbes et leurs pratiques agricoles.


Choisissez un producteur pour connaître son histoire.