Experiencing Enlist JORDAN CRAVE

Experiencing Enlist

Jordan Crave

We have a family farm operation with dairy animals and cropland. We raise corn grain, silage, soybeans, hay and wheat. There are seven family members working on the farm day to day, including my dad, three uncles and cousin. We also rely on many key employees. My dad and uncle started the farm over 30 years ago, and we’ve continued to grow and improve the operation ever since. My primary role is managing the cropping and nutrient management side of the operation, which includes our weed management program. I’m interested in trying Enlist corn and Enlist Duo herbicide on our farm as a new option for weed control.

  • Wisconsin

  • Corn

  • Giant ragweed,

  • Conventional tillage

October 30, 2015



The Enlist system is a useful tool for weed control in corn. Weed control was excellent, and I didn’t see any weed escapes. I don’t grow a lot of soybeans, but I do grow some in fields where we tend to fight waterhemp and ragweed. Enlist soybeans will be a good option in those fields.

Applying Enlist Duo is quite easy, and I didn’t notice any issues with the product going off target during application. As hybrids and varieties are available with Enlist technology, it definitely will be on my operation.

October 30, 2015



The Enlist corn performed very well overall. I have spent quite a bit of time in that field since we harvested and have been very pleased with the lack of weed escapes I am seeing. It is a very clean field from end to end.

October 05, 2015


Enlist™ BMR silage stands well

We grew the Enlist™ corn for silage. It did a good job of holding its total plant moisture into harvest. Standability was very good even though the field experienced a strong wind event in August when the corn was at full height. Within two or three days, it straightened back up. And at harvest, you wouldn’t have known it had been blown down.

October 05, 2015



Using a herbicide like Enlist with multiple modes of action is helping me do my part to help curb herbicide-resistant weeds, and I feel good about that.

August 14, 2015

Dry Field Conditions

Crops are looking good

Our crops are looking great this year, as good as they’ve ever been. The Enlist™ corn field is looking great. We just finished wheat harvest with record yields and hope our corn and soybeans follow suit. However, it’s starting to get dry so we’re hoping for some timely rain.

July 12, 2015



We’ve had a good experience with the Enlist system. It’s provided good weed control – less weed competition means more tonnage on silage in the fall. Clean fields will benefit our no-till cover crops as well. It’s good to know you can go into the field without worrying about spreading additional weed seeds.

June 18, 2015


The application of Enlist Duo ran smoothly, similar to other products we use on our farm. The premix was a bonus – it was simple and easier to use. I was anticipating some foaming issues and was surprised to see there were no issues with foaming while mixing. I also noticed that the 2,4-D choline does not have the same strong odor as a traditional 2,4-D.

May 12, 2015

Good field conditions

Planting Enlist™ corn runs smoothly

We planted the Enlist™ corn field in early May. Following planting, we were able to put down our preemergence application of SureStart® II corn herbicide. We use a preemergence herbicide on our farm for weed control. It suppresses weeds and buys us some time before our postapplication. With a program approach, we’re doing our part to keep weed resistance out of the mix.

May 12, 2015


Planting Enlist™ corn runs smoothly

"Conditions were good, and everything went smoothly with planting...


L’agriculture dans certaines régions des États-Unis est semblable à celle du Canada. Nous savons que les producteurs canadiens aiment s’informer sur ce que font leurs collègues du sud. Nous avons observé plusieurs producteurs pendant la saison. Nous vous présentons certains de ces producteurs qui utilisent le système de suppression des mauvaises herbes EnlistMC – les cultures qu’ils cultivent, leurs défis avec les mauvaises herbes et leurs pratiques agricoles.


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