Experiencing Enlist STEVE WERTISH

Experiencing Enlist

Steve Wertish

We raise corn, soybeans, dry beans, peas and seed corn. I farm with my brother. My dad also helps out and continues to farm part-time. Our number one reason for trying the Enlist™ system this year is to see how it performs in our own fields. We do have some tough-to-control weeds on our farm, and we want to see the weed control firsthand.

  • Minnesota

  • Soybeans

  • Waterhemp

  • Conventional tillage

October 03, 2015



The Enlist system is very similar to other herbicide-tolerant crop systems we’ve used in the past. Using Enlist Duo in a program approach that includes a preemergence herbicide application is a step that is going to help us safeguard the effectiveness of the system for years to come.  With the 2,4-D choline component of Enlist Duo, we saw fast knock down of weeds. We were a little nervous about drift because there were edible beans and grapes nearby, but there was no drift at all. Finally, Enlist Duo is an easy herbicide to mix and apply. There were no weed escapes. We had very good results with Enlist and look forward to using it in the future.

October 03, 2015


Enlist™ soybeans yield well

We harvested last week.  Other than the sandy spots in the field, the Enlist™ soybeans yielded very well.

October 03, 2015


Soybean fields are clean through harvest

There were no weed escapes at all in our soybeans through harvest. Performance of the Enlist™ weed control system was very, very good.

October 03, 2015



It was fun to see the fast action of the 2,4-D choline. By the time I was done spraying the field and walked back out to look at a few weeds, they were already curling over. That was really kind of fun, and we are looking forward to using Enlist in the future.

September 21, 2015


Enlist™ soybean yields look promising

Our soybeans are turning fairly rapidly. By the weekend, they will be ready to harvest. We’re expecting soybean yields to be good this year. In the Enlist™ field, we’re finding a lot of four-bean pods.

September 15, 2015



I actually had a neighbor stop me to ask about the Enlist soybeans. He has bad weed problems in his fields and noticed the weed-free Enlist field. I shared there are just no weeds in the field. After seeing the field, he’s looking forward to using the new technology in his own field.

July 15, 2015


Quick control of the toughest weeds

Within an hour you could see the weeds beginning to bend over and you knew they were affected.  We haven’t seen that for a long time.  Glyphosate alone is very slow moving. And, you forget how quickly 2,4-D works. Enlist Duo® not only controlled the weeds it took them down in a very short amount of time.



July 09, 2015



Five years ago we didn’t have a lot of Roundup resistant weeds. It’s just been in the last couple years that we’ve been inundated with weeds. We could have used the Enlist system on our farm two years ago to control the tough weeds.

So to actually use the Enlist system on our farm this year and have it in fields where we have Roundup resistant weeds is exciting. The entire farming community is going to benefit from it. It’s easy on the beans and controls the weeds.

June 12, 2015


Proactive approach to weed control

We applied a residual herbicide to the Enlist™ field to suppress the weeds until our post-application of Enlist Duo® herbicide. It’s doing the job, we’re just seeing a few weeds come through – lambsquarter, bindweed and waterhemp. We typically rely on rotating modes of action and using several different chemistries to prevent weed resistance on our farm.

June 03, 2015


Early emergence of Enlist™ soybeans

We saw nice, even emergence with the Enlist soybeans. They came out strong. We’re expecting to see the beans really take off as the temperatures warm up.

May 26, 2015



Everything went well when we planted the Enlist soybeans last week. The forecast this week is calling for 85 degrees, which will provide good growing conditions for the beans.

May 26, 2015


Planting of Enlist™ soybeans complete




L’agriculture dans certaines régions des États-Unis est semblable à celle du Canada. Nous savons que les producteurs canadiens aiment s’informer sur ce que font leurs collègues du sud. Nous avons observé plusieurs producteurs pendant la saison. Nous vous présentons certains de ces producteurs qui utilisent le système de suppression des mauvaises herbes EnlistMC – les cultures qu’ils cultivent, leurs défis avec les mauvaises herbes et leurs pratiques agricoles.


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