Experiencing Enlist JON WHATLEY

Experiencing Enlist

Jon Whatley

We raise cotton, corn, grain sorghum and wheat on our farm. I’m a fourth-generation farmer. My dad just retired from farming. We’re having problems with hard-to-control morningglory and bindweed as well as glyphosate-resistant pigweed on our farm. And, I know we will see more glyphosate resistance in the future. We need a new option to help with herbicide resistance issues we’re facing. I’m interested in seeing how the Enlist™ system works for weed control on our farm.

  • Texas

  • Cotton
    grower research plot

  • Palmer amaranth, morningglory, bindweed

  • Conventional tillage

October 10, 2015


Will recommend Enlist™ cotton to other growers

The first questions people ask are about volatility. We did not have any issues with volatility, and we tested it in hot conditions. We did not have any issues with drift either. Crop tolerance was good. The Enlist™ cotton handled the herbicide as well as anything else I’ve used in the past. I would absolutely recommend Enlist™ cotton to other growers. The Enlist™ system gives us the ability to better manage weed resistance and gives us another tool so we will have a full toolbox of herbicides for effective weed control.

July 28, 2015


The biggest lesson we learned from this exerience is the benefit of another mode of action...

The biggest lesson we learned from this experience is the benefit of another mode of action. The Enlist system is another tool in the toolbox and in this day and age of diminishing margins we’ve got to make sure that we can do everything to keep our plant health strong in the field whether it’s insect or weed control.

July 14, 2015



A program approach is by far the way you have to go. You can’t just say ‘well we’re going to clean this up with one herbicide.’ We tried that with Roundup and look where we are. I think we all have got to be better.

We’ve got to use a good system that works with Enlist Duo* to make sure at the end of the day we’ve controlled all our weeds, and we did it in a way that it’s going to be an effective management tool for years to come.

June 18, 2015



When I was applying Enlist Duo, I was worried about the potential for drift. After application, I was pleasantly surprised. I didn’t have any drift issues with Enlist Duo. It stayed exactly where we applied it. The lack of drift provides me and neighboring farmers comfort.

June 18, 2015


Excellent control of tough weeds, including cocklebur and pigweed

Following application, we saw the tolerance we were expecting with the Enlist system. We didn’t see any damage from the 2,4-D on the cotton. In addition, we were very pleased with the weed control. Enlist Duo took care of the toughest weeds and provided me another mode of action

May 04, 2015

Wet Field Conditions


We planted the Enlist cotton today, which is about 45 days late for optimal planting. Weather has been extremely wet.


L’agriculture dans certaines régions des États-Unis est semblable à celle du Canada. Nous savons que les producteurs canadiens aiment s’informer sur ce que font leurs collègues du sud. Nous avons observé plusieurs producteurs pendant la saison. Nous vous présentons certains de ces producteurs qui utilisent le système de suppression des mauvaises herbes EnlistMC – les cultures qu’ils cultivent, leurs défis avec les mauvaises herbes et leurs pratiques agricoles.


Choisissez un producteur pour connaître son histoire.

*Enlist Duo is not registered for use on Enlist cotton.