Experiencing Enlist AJ HOOD

Experiencing Enlist

AJ Hood

Farming has always been a part of my life. I grew up on a beef cattle farm and we had row crop ground as well. I have known all my life that farming is what I wanted to do. Today, I farm, manage a large row-crop operation and raise beef cattle. In our area, we are in need of new technology. We have seen resistance get progressively worse over the last several years. The Enlist™ system provides different modes of action for our farms. It is my hope that Enlist is going to be the superior option of all the new technologies coming forward.

  • Arkansas

  • Soybeans

  • Palmer amaranth,

  • Minimal tillage/some conventional tillage
    Pipe irrigation

September 21, 2015



I have recommended the Enlist system to other farmers. Those that came to the field this year have already been asking the rep to try it for themselves next year. They know it is the future in weed control. Soybeans are our staple crop in this area, making up a majority of our acres. And, there just aren’t a lot of options in soybeans. Bottom line is the Enlist system provides the weed control we need, which makes everyone

July 15, 2015



Without a program approach to weed control, you really don’t have control of your weeds to start with. I feel like Enlist falls right into our program approach. It provided excellent control, especially of pigweed which is our number one problem here. There were no escapes and our field was very clean.

June 19, 2015


A wide application window is a big deal.

You can’t control the weather. And, you never know what’s going to happen tomorrow that may cause you to miss an application. A wide application window is a big deal. It makes timing a smaller part of the equation and really helps.

June 10, 2015


Enlist™ soybeans provide strong crop tolerance


After the application of Enlist Duo® herbicide, we are not seeing any damage to the plant. I didn’t see the physical injury you see with some residual herbicides.


May 22, 2015


Enlist™ soybeans show strong emergence

Things are looking good in the Enlist™ soybean field. I’m happy with the stand and crop emergence.

May 08, 2015

Wet field conditions

Burndown on the field with Enlist™ soybeans

Overall, we’ve been experiencing wet conditions that have been delaying planting this spring. There have been days here and there fit for planting. Yesterday was a dry day, and we were able to plant the Enlist™ soybeans. Today, we followed up with our burndown application.

April 20, 2015


Weed resistance continues to get worse

"Things are looking good in the Enlist™ soybean field. I’m happy with the stand and crop emergence.


L’agriculture dans certaines régions des États-Unis est semblable à celle du Canada. Nous savons que les producteurs canadiens aiment s’informer sur ce que font leurs collègues du sud. Nous avons observé plusieurs producteurs pendant la saison. Nous vous présentons certains de ces producteurs qui utilisent le système de suppression des mauvaises herbes EnlistMC – les cultures qu’ils cultivent, leurs défis avec les mauvaises herbes et leurs pratiques agricoles.


Choisissez un producteur pour connaître son histoire.