Darin Anderson, North Dakota

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Darin Anderson farms with his father, Bruce. They manage a fifth-generation farm near Valley City, North Dakota, that produces corn, soybeans and some spring wheat. About two-thirds of their acres are a corn-soybean rotation, and the other third is a wheat-soybean rotation. Anderson is excited about Enlist E3® soybeans and Enlist™ herbicides.

Enlist Duo® Herbicide Success Prompts Move to 100% Enlist E3® Soybeans

Like many North Dakota farmers, Darin Anderson is looking for additional herbicide tools to control weeds that glyphosate alone can’t handle. A couple of years ago, Anderson tried Enlist Duo® herbicide on Enlist E3® soybeans in a seed production field. The results were extremely promising.

“This year we’ll be 100% Enlist E3 soybeans,” Anderson says. “We’ll be applying Enlist Duo herbicide. It gives us another mode of action and controls weeds we can’t control with straight glyphosate.”

Waterhemp and kochia are Anderson’s problem weeds. Enlist Duo is working well as a postemergence option to control both.

“When we spray the kochia at the recommended weed height, Enlist Duo does a great job,” Anderson says.

Another benefit for the Andersons is the lack of drift and volatility with Enlist Duo herbicide compared to other herbicide options.

“We haven’t had any issues with drift or volatility,” Anderson notes. “We haven’t had any complaints from neighbors.”

He’s not the only one interested in the Enlist™ weed control system. He says other area farmers are trying soybean varieties that feature several other herbicide traits.

“Some of them are tired of glyphosate not working as well as they’d like,” Anderson says. “They want another mode of action without the volatility risk.”

The ability to use Enlist Duo or Enlist One® herbicide on Enlist E3 soybeans gives farmers more weed control options. They can get the convenient combination of 2,4-D choline and glyphosate in Enlist Duo. Or they can get the flexibility to tank-mix more qualified products with Enlist One herbicide.

Enlist E3 soybeans are tolerant to glufosinate, adding another potential mode of action postemergence. Farmers can mix glufosinate and Enlist One — a straight-goods 2,4-D choline — and apply in a single pass, or they can apply Enlist Duo and come back later with a separate glufosinate application.

“The ability to use Enlist Duo in one pass and come back with another pass using glufosinate can be very effective,” Anderson says. “We’re using the Enlist system again because of weed control.”

Darin Anderson

Enlist crop

Problem weeds
Kochia, Waterhemp

Management practices
Minimum tillage, Nonirrigated